Myth 1: Understanding the true role of a leader.
- Uncover why leadership is not just about being in charge.
Myth 2: Why team harmony isn't always productive.
- Learn how to foster healthy conflict for better results.
Myth 3: The real impact of micromanagement.
- Find out why over-controlling can hinder your team's growth.
Myth 4: Busting the myth of the single visionary leader.
- Discover the power of shared leadership within your team.
Myth 5: Leadership is only needed at the top.
- See why leadership at all levels can catalyze growth.
Myth 6: The misconception that leaders are born, not made.
- Learn how leadership can be developed at any stage.
Hey, I am Sarah Kay,
There I was, eight years old stunned into stillness in the middle of this schoolyard by pain that had been abated by shock from my father's death. In those breathtaking moments, I made a vow to learn how to be happy again and help others do the same.
Nearly 40 years later, with degrees, Peace Corps service, and expertise in coaching, I've helped hundreds since founding my coaching company in 2008. Now, I'm using technology to expand The Abundance Games (TAG) System through a phone app, aiming to elevate consciousness and spread happiness and prosperity worldwide.
As consciousness rises, so does happiness and abundance, and it has a contagious effect, benefiting everyone.